Sunday 26 October 2008

The power of consensus > PSHE will be statutory at last!

For almost a decade, I have been part of a growing consensus that Personal, Social and Health Education, which includes teaching about sex and relationships should be statutory.

Until last Thursday, government had remained unconvinced by the argument presented by young people, teachers, specialist groups and other experts. I was so thrilled when Jim Knight announced last week government had accepted the recommendation of the sex and relationships education expert review group and PSHE will become a statuory curriculum subject.

I am on holiday and so was keeping up to date with the odd look at websites and was so interested in the reporting. Previously, the media generally reported on the divisions between groups, and now they quickly looked for and emphasised the consensus. And there is consensus amongst the absolute majority. Now our task is to make this happen as swiftly and rigorously as possible.

On behalf of the 1500 young people we see everyday at Brook I would like to say thank you to Jim Knight, Minister for Schools and all our colleagues on the expert review group. This will make a real difference to the confidence, self esteem and relationship and sexual choices of young women and young men. It is brilliant.

1 comment:

Jake said...

Now we just have to make it good PSHE!